Types and Wearing of Baby Carriers

Different Types of Baby Carriers

The best baby carrier is one that can safely and ergonomically hold your baby. With the advent of technology and years spent trying out different babywearing techniques, you now have more choices. How do you choose the right infant carrier?

These are the top four types of baby carriers.

Wraps / Mei Tais

Ring Slings

Soft-structured Carriers

Because they are so soft and lightweight, such as our Aura Wrap, they are very popular. The baby carrier wrap becomes second-nature once you are comfortable with it. Some people opt to leave it on all day and not have to tie it again. You will need a support carrier if your baby is over one years old. Stretchy wraps are only for the front inward position.

Hybrid Wraps

The Embrace hybrid wrap gives you the coziness and support of a stretchy wrap while still being soft and flexible. It might be partial, however it is one of our favourites. You can carry your newborn in the front, or out the back. Easy to put on, easy to remove, makes newborn snuggles a breeze. The Embrace newborn baby carrier comes with two fabrics and a variety colors.

Ring Slings

Ring slings make a great fashion statement. Lightweight and breathable, baby sling carriers make it easy to travel with. Babies can be carried in a variety of ways, including a front-inward, hip, or back carry. A lot of common complaints revolve around bulkiness in the shoulders and lack of back support. This is why we recommend that you use ring rings for short periods to protect you as well as your little one.

See also  Top Tips for Baby Wearing

Soft Structured Carriers

Soft structured carriers (SSCs), the most popular baby carrier in western countries, are now the best-selling. These carriers offer the most versatility with a choice of carry positions: back, hip, and front. These carriers offer support in all the right spots for parent and baby, as well protecting parents’ hips and packs. These carriers are simple to learn and easy to put on.

We offer many different soft-structure carriers. Because you are unique, your carrier should be too! We have something for everyone.

5 Safe ways to wear babywear

Babywearing allows you and your child to stay close and connected, while still getting things done. But it is important to be careful and make sure that your baby is safe. Before you head out, here are some babywearing safety tips.

Support your head and neck. It is essential that the carrier provides support until your baby can control his head and neck. You should never carry your infant outward facing until you have full control. You should pay attention to the age recommendations for the carrier that you purchase.

Avoid tucking baby’s chin. If your baby isn’t able to control her neck or body, you may want to support them with an inward-facing forward-carry position. This can reduce air intake and limit their ability to breathe. Keep your baby’s face visible and her chin not tucked. This will reduce airflow. Children under 4 months of age, babies who are pregnant and people with pre-existing breathing conditions or colds are at greater risk.

See also  The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Baby Carrier

Protect your baby’s hips. A poor positioning in a carrier can lead to hip dysplasia, or dislocation. The carrier should support baby’s legs, with his legs extending naturally to the sides.

Make sure to check for wear and tear before you go. Also, make sure that there are no frayed stitches.

Be safe when you’re out and about. Don’t drink hot liquids while babywearing. You can also support baby by supporting one hand if you have to reach for something.